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Sunday, September 8, 2013

DeConstruction of Gay Pride.

This past weekend I was able to be present at Austin's Pride Festival. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and for the way in which the Austin Gay and Lesbian Pride Foundation (AGLPF) gives back to the community.

Specifically, I am thankful that they support the mission of Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) in the Austin area and throughout the state.

Doing educational work across a vast state requires funds. Those funds are a tool that leverages change creation on the local level.

While at the festival there were two bags that caught my eye and caused me some consternation. One is the one to the left "Totes Gay", the other was "The Big Gay Bag"

So, before I "attack" the branding and marketing of these bags in predictable ways, let me take a moment to set up how context shapes our understanding and use of language.

AGLPF does an excellent job in calling their celebration "Austin Pride Festival", "Austin Pride Parade", etc. as compared to the too oft used "Gay pride parade, festival, etc. Why is one more appropriate than the other?
Because "Gay" does  not reflect the diversity of our community. I say that with the caveat that many use "gay" as an identity term, even in place of "transgender". I honor that, and respect that on the individual level, but have to question it at the meta, organizational, and macro levels.

The term "Gay" does not speak to the breadth of identities in the LGBTQQIAA+ community. Single terms
rarely do. The closest that we really have is "Queer" and that too is frought with controversy and problemitizations at the regional discourse and generational discourse levels.

Next, we could try to use a term that is inclusive but does not reference individual identities. "We could go with words like "Equality" "Totes Equality" "Big Equality Bag", and Equality Festival . .....good option...except that:

  1. Equality as in Equality Festival speaks to something that might be organized and launched by my second home Equality Texas.
  2. "Equality" is a liberal term and does not resonate with our conservative family members. "Liberty" might, but is as problematic for our liberal family.
So, it seems that the best we have at this point might be "Pride". I am not sure, as I have not talked to conservative queer family members about feelings around the term "pride"....but at first blush it seems a better approach.

It also does not conjure images of carrying around a little gay person in a bag. 
Sorry, but "Totes Gay" also makes me think that there is a little gay person stuck inside the bag crying for release.

I bring this up not as a "shame shame" on those that created the "Totes Gay" and "Big Gay Bag"....not my intention at all. I bring it up as an educational opportunity first, and a thought experiment second of findings ways to brand that resonate appropriately with the great diversity that is the human family.

Thanks for reading.

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