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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Q-Drop, Withdrawal, Certificate and Future Plans

It has been an interesting week to say the least.

So, last weeked the Equality Texas board had our retreat. I walked away with a headache, lead in my stomach, and wondering, "How the hell am I going to do this." I also had a lot of fun and grew closer to some friends

I should explain that as head of Governance for Equality Texas, procedurally much is lead to the performance and smooth operation of the board through guidance of this committee. This is not to say that the whole board is not responsible, but governance is charged with HR type issues, oversight, and guidance. Our commitee vetts nominees to the board and brings their candidacy to a vote, we help with setting up the tools of evaluation both of the Executive Director and the board itself, and we have to know our own bylaws as though we are lawyers of the bylaws themselves.

So, during the retreat, I heard many times , "Doesn't that go to Governance? Katy, you got this ...right?"

That is only a tiny bit of exagerration, and is moreso rewording than exagerration.

So, at the end of Saturday I was swamped.
  • I just started a Program Evaluation class through the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M
  • I have my first independent coalition education project (on same-sex domestic violence) in October to help market, manage, and make sure it runs smoothly and that everyone has enough snacks, materials, and safety to learn
  • I still need to meet my Equality Texas give/get of $1500 by the end of the year
  • I need to use the give/get to not so much give entirely, but use it as an opportunity to learn how to fundraise effectively for the organization.
  • Did I mention I have a full time job?
  • Did I mention that I have my orchie scheduled for my birthday this year?
  • Did I mention that Robin also needs attention as a partner?
  • Did I mention I need to balance finances?
Needless to say, information overload.

I have been weighing the option of getting out of the program evaluation class to help with some of the stress. If I withdrew this week, I might still be able to recover 50% of tuition and fees paid.

To do so required Q-dropping the class, and at zero hours I would be withdrawn from the University and would have to reapply to the Certificate in NonProfit Management program. But, I have quite a few nonprofit classes now, more than needed for the certificate. [NOTE: Katy loves knowledge, she has a passion for learning and tends to treat University curricula catalogs like this....."I want one of those, two of those, maybe three of those over there, and lots of that..."]

Here is what I have so far.

At the Bush School of Government and Public Service

  • PSAA 636-700   Grant & Contract Management
  • PSAA 698-701   Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations
  • PSAA 685-700   Directed Studies - nonprofit government commissions on philanthropy
  • PSAA 633-700   Philanthropy: Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations
  • PSAA 643-700   Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector
  • PSAA 689-700   Strategic Planning and Fiscal Management in Nonprofit Organizations
  • PSAA 644-700 Management and Leadership of Nonprofit
At the graduate level, not related to Certificate Training

  • HLTH 634   Women's Health
  • ENGL 680   Theories of Gender

Now, the Bush School has been asking me time and again to do two things.
  1. "Complete" the certificate - ie, graduation from the program
  2. What is my emphasis for the program?
They have been very patient with my love of non profit learning.

The point, if I Q-drop and Withdraw from the University, I might as well go ahead and just complete the certificate. I can always reapply and fight that battle of "I want to take more..." later.
Besides, the certificate only requires two core classes and two electives. At this point in time I am spending money that is not enhancing the certificate, per se and is not going towards a terminal Masters. Texas A&M does not offer a MNPA or a Masters in Non-Profit Administration. Further, as I have begun research, other institutions will only accept a limited number of classes (usually 12 credits = 4 classes)

I have been looking around though.
  • I already have application in to Sam Houston for their online degree in public policy.
  • I have been in contact with someone from Bay Path College, who also offer on online degree, and one it what I am finding intriguing - Non Profit studies

Why online? Again, I have a full life and need my full time job. Online gives me the flexibility and accountability I need to achieve scholastically and still earn money to pay for that learning.

So, I Q-dropped....

I should be withdrawn from TAMU shortly if not already
My certificate from the Bush school will read
Certificate in Non Profit Management
Emphasis: Fundraising and Philanthropy

Who would have thought, the classes I was taking prepare me to fundraise. Which is what I need to be doing right now for Equality Texas. Interesting how life works

My plans:
  • Still working the steps for Sam Houston and Public Policy
  • Seriously thinking of working the steps for Bay Path College, did I mention I have developed an affinity of NonProfit management research? Could it be that others think I have a grasp for the content?
Bay Path offers several interesting degrees
  • Master of Science in Nonprofit Management and Philanthropy
  • Master of Science in Strategic Fundraising and Philanthropy
    • Track 1: Nonprofit Fundraising
    • Track 2: Higher Education Fundraising
  • Master of Science in Higher Education Administration
That is where I am this week, more at a later date.....I have to play with the kids, write up more notes from the retreat, redesign my blogs, revisit the plan for the October workshop, ....

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