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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Legacy, Death and Hope post TDOR 2012

     Last night at the Brazos Valley Transgender Day of Remembrance Memorial, Dan De Leon left all of us with a message from the Navajo people. Something along the lines of,
 Earth's feet have become my feet
by means of these I shall live on.
Earth's legs have become my legs
by means of these I shall live on.
Earth's body has become my body
by means of this I shall live on.
Earth's mind has become my mind
by means of this I shall live on.
Earth's voice has become my voice
by means of this I shall live on.

This resonates with my soul.

You see, I worry. I worry too much, but I worry just the same.
I fear what will be thought of me once I pass on.
I fear what will happen to my essence when the end comes, as I so dutifully want to continue with full knowledge of who I am.
And, I fear that my legacy will be lost, as I have no human children to continue my message.

I have witnessed the Goddess as she has walked in my life. At the same time, I use her more as a crutch and call upon her when afraid, threatened, and in pain. Still, I have felt...rather than seen...her passing in my life.

And, for that matter I have felt the passing of souls when children of mine (canine) has gone beyond this life.

But, I still have doubt, and I still have is not my best talent.

And I acknowledge that I don't know what is coming. I acknowledge that aetheist community family see things that I may not.

So, I walk in flux and "fear the reaper".

These words though....these words from the Navajo Dine tradition.
They give me hope for legacy
They give me hope that the message, that the work
will live on.

Thank you!!

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