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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

No "T" in "Gay Scouting

I am being asked to join the campaign against the end discrimination against gay boys in Boy Scouts. ......see particulars below

I have to be honest....I have mixed feelings.
I have a good friend, a man I love and trust (you know who you are) who is an Eagle Scout and is happily married with his husband. I support that he was in the Boy Scouts, I hope/pray that young men who are gay would someday be able to join and be a part of such a great organization in so many ways.
Similarly, I hope that young lesbian and bisexual girls would be welcome into Girl Scouts.

But, ....time to TransDeconstruct....

  •  1) Until we create a Trans Scouts (which would have its own unique deconstructions vis a vis....separatist verses community with cis scouts) our trans youth are left with little options.
That being said, the Girl Scouts have accepted a young transgender lady.

and the crazy came out of the nuthouse........
  • 2 )Are the values of the Boy Scouts actually all good values? I am not saying that dishonesty is good (although it is useful when playing dirty in family negotiations :-)  ). But obedience? Depends....doesn't it? Sometimes courage and justice demand disobedience. Thrifty? I would rather see Philanthropy as the code word.
  • 3) And then, there is the oath
    • Duty to God and country,
    • Duty to other people, and
    • Duty to self
Which I would replace with
    • Duty to community
    • Family
    • Self and Goddess (because the relationship with the Divine is also intimately private)
 So, I want to help.....our organization may sign on.....but I find the whole thing problematic in my heart............and these are just the concerns at the tip of my heart (so to speak) 

This week, 1400 members of the Boy Scouts' National Council will converge in Dallas to vote on a resolution critical to the Boy Scouts' longstanding ban on gay members. Now, more than ever, we need your help to make sure the Boy Scouts do the right thing and vote in support of Scouting for all. Here is a list of ways organizations can speak out.

What can my organization do right now?

  1. Pledge your organization's support for an end to the ban on gay scouts and leaders here: Your organization will be listed on a web page of organizations that support a repeal of the Boy Scouts ban.
  2. Have your organization add a 'Equality in Scouting' badge to your Facebook and Twitter profiles:
  3. Send an email to your supporters, affirming your organization's support for the end of the ban and encouraging them to take action at
Dear friend,
The Boy Scouts of America's ban on gay scouts and leaders causes committed scouts, parents, and leaders to be ousted from the organization simply because of who they are.  On May 23, 2013, 1400 members of the Boy Scouts' National Council will converge in Dallas to vote on the ban. Now, more than ever, your voice can make an impact.
Our organization firmly rejects this discrimination, and we urge the Boy Scouts of America to end their ban and stop ousting against gay scouts, parents, and leaders.
Take action right now by taking posting to Twitter and Facebook:
I support equality in the #BoyScouts. End the ban on gay scouts and leaders!
Then visit where you'll find resources to show your support on Facebook and Twitter, contact your local Scouts Council, write a Letter to the Editor, and other ways to show your support for a fully inclusive Boy Scouts of America.
[Your organization name] is proud to join GLAAD, Scouts for Equality and dozens of other organizations working to secure equality for everyone in Scouting. We hope you'll join us by taking action right now at
[Your organization name]

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