In fact, if funds were sent, I would have strong ethical problems with that.
If you want to help us through these times, prayers and meditative energies on 1) better approaches to money 2) more constructive money management and 3) an improvement in overall financial stability through health care system improvement and employment satisfaction and improvement would all be more helpful and welcome.
Because I am me though, and creative daydreaming is a coping mechanism I have employed since a child, the following conversation began in my head and heart.
I should start a cult.
Qualifications needed:
- Charisma: Check
- Capacity for Violence: Yes, but squeamish
- Capacity for Evil disguised as Good: Some
- Capacity for Control (of others): Oh, yes
- Capacity for Sexual Conquest: Oh,, I am a bottom...that might not work.
- Mythology for Cult to follow: Well, I have the whole gender thing down...that might work
- Ability to "Preach It": Check
- Followers: Hrmmmmmm
- Abilty to serve koolaid: Yes
- Ability to poison the koolaid: Technically yes,
- Ability to evade the IRS: ?
-2 = Not at all like me
-1= Somewhat no like me
0= Neutral
1= Somewhat like me
2=Very Much Like Me
Let's look at the list again.
- Charisma: 2
- Capacity for Violence: 1
- Capacity for Evil disguised as good : 1
- Capacity for Control (of others): 2
- Capacity for Sexual Conquest: -2
- Mythology for Cult to follow: 1
- Ability to "Preach It": 2
- Ability to gather Followers: 2
- Abilty to serve koolaid: 2
- Ability to poison the koolaid: 0
- Ability to evade the IRS: -2
Score analysis:
11 = all "1" would be someone who could start a cult, but would need to work in cult administration for someone else to hone skills
16 = less than half at "2" and the rest "1". Could begin a cult but would need to hire others to help.
22 = 2 on every question. Could start their own cult.
So, I guess the results is that I could not start a cult....however, I wonder....maybe I could start a series of "gender exploration centers" or "gender think tanks" or "gender therapy retreats".....those would require koolaid and physical exercise, without the poison, IRS problems, or hard evil stuff....I could probably do that.
I wonder if there are any "Can you be a cult leader" out on the internet.
Hello Quizzy:
(results below)
OK Cupid
Your result for The Could You Be A Cult Leader Test...
You scored 60 narcissism, 27 paranoia, 37 egomania, and 24 charisma!

A Successful Cult leader would have answered over 50% on all four variables.
If you have over 50% but not exactly 100%, you cult might not be one that will essentially go down in history, or might not be generally accepted as a noteworthy occult organization.
If you scored lower than 50% in any one of these categories, perhaps establishing an occult organization is not for you.
If you scored 100% in anyone one area: you might have a fighting chance at being a cult leader, but perhaps you could play better in a supportive role in establishing an occult organization.
If you scored 100% in anyone two areas: you have a good chance at being a cult leader, but you should work on the areas you haven't scored 100% in if you want to be the best cult leader you can be.
If you scored 100% in anyone three areas: Near Perfect! You may consider taking the test again to achieve a perfect score! You could certainly be a cult leader, and perhaps you should try.
If you scored 100% in anyone all four areas: Congratulations! a Perfect Score on this test certifies you really could and probably should make an awesome leader of an occult organization!
Kudos ;)
Take The Could You Be A Cult Leader Test at HelloQuizzy
If you have over 50% but not exactly 100%, you cult might not be one that will essentially go down in history, or might not be generally accepted as a noteworthy occult organization.
If you scored lower than 50% in any one of these categories, perhaps establishing an occult organization is not for you.
If you scored 100% in anyone one area: you might have a fighting chance at being a cult leader, but perhaps you could play better in a supportive role in establishing an occult organization.
If you scored 100% in anyone two areas: you have a good chance at being a cult leader, but you should work on the areas you haven't scored 100% in if you want to be the best cult leader you can be.
If you scored 100% in anyone three areas: Near Perfect! You may consider taking the test again to achieve a perfect score! You could certainly be a cult leader, and perhaps you should try.
If you scored 100% in anyone all four areas: Congratulations! a Perfect Score on this test certifies you really could and probably should make an awesome leader of an occult organization!
Kudos ;)
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