In September 2005, James Stewart Friesenhahn passed from this life onto another. As my partner traveled to San Antonio to visit my father on his deathbed I had concerns about myself, our reception as a couple, and how drama would unfold with family. Years before with my grandfather's funeral, when my father's family first met me as Katy there was snickering and whispered words behind hands.
Robin and I arrived late the night of the 24th. My father had "held on" and was waiting for me, though not totally a lot of pain from pancreatic cancer. Shirley, his third wife, whom I would later come to honor and respect with hope, asked me to read some passages from the Bible that my father preferred.
I did
My father passed away a few hours later as Robin and I rested in another room.
At the wake that follows in in Catholic households I didn't know what really to expect, if anything. I didn't know how I would be listed in my father's obituary. I didn't know if Robin would be listed, I had many questions at this time of loss and mourning.
During the wake I stood at times at the entrance to the chapel area. As I was doing so an attractive woman in combat fatigues (my father worked civil service at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio) approached. She looked at me, I at her, and she asked my name. I introduced myself and she commented that Jimmy always talked about me.
My father always talked about me? Really? Over the years we had many disagreements. In many ways I was taught three things in the politics of divorced families - 1) He was evil 2) I was just like him. 3) He once dressed up in women's clothes. Some of these lessons stuck, enough that I opted to forego children (a choice I now regret) so that I would not pass along whatever evil or lack of whatever to another generation.
Something in me broke, some wall around my heart fell. My father talked about me, and from all indications it was not about how strange or weird I was or about my transness as much as it was his honor and pride in me.
My father talked about me.
I am like my father, one might say that I am my father's daughter. My leadership, my agility in mathematics, weakness to stress, my contrariness and tendency to argue...most with those I am closest to, and maybe a little bit of OCD over stupid things that mean nothing. ...
In the intervening years I have learned that me being "like my father" is a good thing (both positive and negative traits taken together), not a "bad thing" as often I was told. Moreso, I learned that my father loved me and was proud of me. Whatever our awkwardness over my transition, he still loved me.
I still struggle with my mother over these issues. Her faith....or rather her religion... is too often a wall to our communication and embrace....and all I have wanted from her from the time of being a child was her love, her acceptance, her I am also part her. Her intelligence, tenacity, and verbal acumen live within me. My being trans is often a gulf that often cannot be sailed.
My good friend Susana encourages me to build that bride between our borders one plank at a time...and she is right....and it is what family does...but it also needs to be reciprocal.
During this season of Thanksgiving, reach out to someone who is trans* or gender non-conforming...whether kinship of blood or kinship of the human family....make them one of your own. Take their story into your heart and share it with others to do the same.
Thanks for reading,
This blogsite is a place for me to share my life with you, my "herstory" if you will. Linked on this page you will find opportunity to jump to my opinions, the advocacy that I am passionate about, as well as current projects I am working on, my resume, etc. Explore and enjoy
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Do I have what is required to start a cult?
Robin and I have hit a patch of rough financial waters. I don't say this for sympathy or to elicit an outpouring of funds.
In fact, if funds were sent, I would have strong ethical problems with that.
If you want to help us through these times, prayers and meditative energies on 1) better approaches to money 2) more constructive money management and 3) an improvement in overall financial stability through health care system improvement and employment satisfaction and improvement would all be more helpful and welcome.
Because I am me though, and creative daydreaming is a coping mechanism I have employed since a child, the following conversation began in my head and heart.
I should start a cult.
Qualifications needed:
-2 = Not at all like me
-1= Somewhat no like me
0= Neutral
1= Somewhat like me
2=Very Much Like Me
Let's look at the list again.
Score analysis:
11 = all "1" would be someone who could start a cult, but would need to work in cult administration for someone else to hone skills
16 = less than half at "2" and the rest "1". Could begin a cult but would need to hire others to help.
22 = 2 on every question. Could start their own cult.
So, I guess the results is that I could not start a cult....however, I wonder....maybe I could start a series of "gender exploration centers" or "gender think tanks" or "gender therapy retreats".....those would require koolaid and physical exercise, without the poison, IRS problems, or hard evil stuff....I could probably do that.
I wonder if there are any "Can you be a cult leader" out on the internet.
Hello Quizzy:
(results below)
OK Cupid
In fact, if funds were sent, I would have strong ethical problems with that.
If you want to help us through these times, prayers and meditative energies on 1) better approaches to money 2) more constructive money management and 3) an improvement in overall financial stability through health care system improvement and employment satisfaction and improvement would all be more helpful and welcome.
Because I am me though, and creative daydreaming is a coping mechanism I have employed since a child, the following conversation began in my head and heart.
I should start a cult.
Qualifications needed:
- Charisma: Check
- Capacity for Violence: Yes, but squeamish
- Capacity for Evil disguised as Good: Some
- Capacity for Control (of others): Oh, yes
- Capacity for Sexual Conquest: Oh,, I am a bottom...that might not work.
- Mythology for Cult to follow: Well, I have the whole gender thing down...that might work
- Ability to "Preach It": Check
- Followers: Hrmmmmmm
- Abilty to serve koolaid: Yes
- Ability to poison the koolaid: Technically yes,
- Ability to evade the IRS: ?
-2 = Not at all like me
-1= Somewhat no like me
0= Neutral
1= Somewhat like me
2=Very Much Like Me
Let's look at the list again.
- Charisma: 2
- Capacity for Violence: 1
- Capacity for Evil disguised as good : 1
- Capacity for Control (of others): 2
- Capacity for Sexual Conquest: -2
- Mythology for Cult to follow: 1
- Ability to "Preach It": 2
- Ability to gather Followers: 2
- Abilty to serve koolaid: 2
- Ability to poison the koolaid: 0
- Ability to evade the IRS: -2
Score analysis:
11 = all "1" would be someone who could start a cult, but would need to work in cult administration for someone else to hone skills
16 = less than half at "2" and the rest "1". Could begin a cult but would need to hire others to help.
22 = 2 on every question. Could start their own cult.
So, I guess the results is that I could not start a cult....however, I wonder....maybe I could start a series of "gender exploration centers" or "gender think tanks" or "gender therapy retreats".....those would require koolaid and physical exercise, without the poison, IRS problems, or hard evil stuff....I could probably do that.
I wonder if there are any "Can you be a cult leader" out on the internet.
Hello Quizzy:
(results below)
OK Cupid
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Is Parenthood a Mirror?
So, I need to ask the question this morning of whether having kids allows us as people to see our foibles and our strengths reflected back at us?
Yeah, deep thoughts....they get me in trouble all the time.
On the lighter side, I wonder if our canine or feline children also reflect these aspects to our mind.
So, I brought my youngest to work today. Right now she is whining because she wants me to let her explore the building on her own...I was thinking about what I see in my dogters as I drove to work today.
In Ginger, my eldest, I see my enjoyment of life and chillin. Just lay back, let someone rub your tummy and cuddle with those you love. In her though I also see my fierceness. Don't you freakin dare come into my yard...don't you get up in my space. And, if you do, once I smell your hand I will probably wag my tail and say "let's play" or "RUB MY TUMMY"
In my middle child I see the "gotta solve problems" "gotta fix whats wrong" "gotta make the peace" aspect of myself. Even if Robin and I are play arguing, Onyx is there trying to give kisses to console, trying to make everything calm....when sometimes the "fight" is really what is needed to get to the other side of the conflict, of the pain, of the sticking point. My middle child is also goofy and likes to smile....something I do ....but too often only privately.
And my youngest child, a Dragon Princess like her Mommy. She wants to run, to explore, to tackle the world. And yet, when the world boldly says "OK, here I am....what you going to do tough girl" she turns tail and yelps menacingly out of fear....out of not knowing what to do, of perhaps some element of jealousy that others can and do and that she might be left out.
And so, once again, I reveal too much...perhaps.
Let's try something different though, I may react out of times out of emotion like the youngest, but let's take the calmness of the middle child and say "OK, I own it. I am here smiling"
And, I need to get back to work.....
Some pics though to wrap up this entry...
- While we watch our kids struggle with their life challenges, do we perhaps better understand our own improvements that need to be made in endeavors on the path?
- Further, do our kids, in being wholly different beings than us perhaps show us, at times alternative ways of doing things?
- Do we get to see the active experiment of doing things another way that sometimes succeeds and sometimes fails?
- Or, do we see our kids also fall into a rut of engrooved processing with the same results but no way of knowing how to stop the insanity to do something different?
- Do we then in our grandchildren see yet another approach worthy of study?
Yeah, deep thoughts....they get me in trouble all the time.
On the lighter side, I wonder if our canine or feline children also reflect these aspects to our mind.
So, I brought my youngest to work today. Right now she is whining because she wants me to let her explore the building on her own...I was thinking about what I see in my dogters as I drove to work today.
In Ginger, my eldest, I see my enjoyment of life and chillin. Just lay back, let someone rub your tummy and cuddle with those you love. In her though I also see my fierceness. Don't you freakin dare come into my yard...don't you get up in my space. And, if you do, once I smell your hand I will probably wag my tail and say "let's play" or "RUB MY TUMMY"
In my middle child I see the "gotta solve problems" "gotta fix whats wrong" "gotta make the peace" aspect of myself. Even if Robin and I are play arguing, Onyx is there trying to give kisses to console, trying to make everything calm....when sometimes the "fight" is really what is needed to get to the other side of the conflict, of the pain, of the sticking point. My middle child is also goofy and likes to smile....something I do ....but too often only privately.
And my youngest child, a Dragon Princess like her Mommy. She wants to run, to explore, to tackle the world. And yet, when the world boldly says "OK, here I am....what you going to do tough girl" she turns tail and yelps menacingly out of fear....out of not knowing what to do, of perhaps some element of jealousy that others can and do and that she might be left out.
And so, once again, I reveal too much...perhaps.
Let's try something different though, I may react out of times out of emotion like the youngest, but let's take the calmness of the middle child and say "OK, I own it. I am here smiling"
And, I need to get back to work.....
Some pics though to wrap up this entry...
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Ginger - eldest |
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Onyx - middle |
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Cinnamon - youngest |
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Cinnamon - peeking under my desk |
Thursday, October 3, 2013
My 12 step recovery away from "Cis"
I learned many important facts in New York. One of these was market testing on the word cisgender and its failure and confusion for many people. In the learning, I was given a cool swashbuckling verbal engarde to use in its place - emphasis on transgender individuals being individuals who are hard working, intelligent, and resilient citizens. Concentrate on the message and stab instead of shielding with a cis-napkin and assertion of cis-privilege (we all have a problem with privilege, the point is to look at privilege....not modifying the term for whatever reason).
But, as a chemistry major "Cis" has been a drug that is going to take 12 steps to kick. So bear with me as I walk through some of them.
I. The syllogistic rubric.
I am not transgender
I act like my sex dictates I should act
The term cis is latin for "same side as"
My sex is "same side" of my gender
I am cisgender.
I am not transgender? Yes, are.
The wisdom of Foucault showed us that the discursive explosion of the Victorian era labeled everything of a "sexual" nature and attached a value label to it. Then power structures reified the use of said toe tags and approved or disapproved of behaviour that allowed for better efficiency in power continuity and control itself. What it overlooked....all those sales tags with words were owned and still are truly owned by each and every one of us, we just don't like to look at it. We are complex, kinky, gender fluid, non-monotonous golems. We are not globs of muggle...we are each enchanted wizards crystals proliferating light and wonder of so many hues, shades, vibrancy, and sounds. Each of us, depending on context, disobeys the gender norms...even our heroine Martha Stewart (ummmm, going to jail is not ladylike...nor is insider trading).
I act like my sex dictates I should act.
Your sex dictates nothing, and culture is too screwed up to give you a real answer to how you should be. Culture is not only written by the more privileged, it is too damn infinite and changeable to really assign any authority to it in regard to how you act. Am I saying Butler is wrong? Butler is not "wrong", but she is not "right". Butler is Butler learning and think experimenting all the time. Here it is, the assumption is that culture has lain out two poles - masculine and feminine. Let me be clear, culture has not done this, honest people have done this based on their interpretation of culture. Gender fluidity and messiness..."trouble" if you will... has a long cultural significance and rich history.
Further, most people do not lay out two choices for "males" and "females" (yes, I am forgetting my sexually fabulous intersex friends whom I love and adore). No, American society is really still just stuck in one culturally recited model - masculinity....despite the reality, despite the strength inherent in other morphologies. For "females" there may be a "weaker" form of masculinity that is taught...but it is masculinity none the less.
And, there is nothing wrong with masculinity in itself, it is not is a method, a tool, a skin, and it has its uses. It is the abrogation of all other cultural forms to its sole elevation that is the problem. I would not be an activist if it were not for masculinity. I would also not be a leader if not for my feminity. And, I would not be a dancer without my fluidity and the infinite points betwixt and between.
The term "cis" means "on the same side as".
Last time I checked, I was not a benzene molecule or a phenol ring....I do not have functional groups hanging on "one side" of my plane or on "opposite sides" of my plane. Again, I am a shining crystal with many facets....I have a ton of functional groups, and if you will kiss me, I will show you a few....maybe even the seduction ones :-)
My sex is "same side" of my gender
To reiterate, gender is not planar.
Sex also is a socially constructed concept, so guess what.....Problematizations.
I will not bore you with the mathematics of sex right now....again...maybe privately for a kiss.
Hence, I am cisgender?
No, you are you!
I have this friend who is a new grandma (Suzana, talking about you friend) and she has an amazingly cool, liberal, and open minded son who is so close to my heart that Iron Man had to lend me his gizmo to keep him away so his shrapnel did not "infect me" too much. He has a new child.. a new son..
I fought with grandma at first while listening to her that her grandchild would come out "however he was" and that in this family that would be what color clothes, etc, did not matter whether they were stereotypes or not. I fought quitely and mentally while listening to her story....and that is the problem, I listened to her story.
She was not out to reify the polar North/South, she was not out to make sure "he is a boy".
She was out to buy cute clothes for a kid.
As long as she lets me put the tutu with the Spiderman outfit, I don't think we should have a problem.
Oh, and for the record
Pre World War War I
Pink = a form of red = courage and blood = boy
Blue = a form of color of flower = periwinkle I think = girls
Post World War I
Pink = girls
Blue = boys
and the rest of us get all the other colors, sux to be you :-)
OK, kidding.....and you cannot blame Hitler for the color change....WWI as in UNO, UN, Einz
So, to the twelve steps...
Sorry for othering you
Sorry for calling you cisgender
I lied, you are just like me
Maybe just not as loud about it
And you, you are fabulous in all your sparkling diamond facets of gender.
But, as a chemistry major "Cis" has been a drug that is going to take 12 steps to kick. So bear with me as I walk through some of them.
I. The syllogistic rubric.
I am not transgender
I act like my sex dictates I should act
The term cis is latin for "same side as"
My sex is "same side" of my gender
I am cisgender.
I am not transgender? Yes, are.
The wisdom of Foucault showed us that the discursive explosion of the Victorian era labeled everything of a "sexual" nature and attached a value label to it. Then power structures reified the use of said toe tags and approved or disapproved of behaviour that allowed for better efficiency in power continuity and control itself. What it overlooked....all those sales tags with words were owned and still are truly owned by each and every one of us, we just don't like to look at it. We are complex, kinky, gender fluid, non-monotonous golems. We are not globs of muggle...we are each enchanted wizards crystals proliferating light and wonder of so many hues, shades, vibrancy, and sounds. Each of us, depending on context, disobeys the gender norms...even our heroine Martha Stewart (ummmm, going to jail is not ladylike...nor is insider trading).
I act like my sex dictates I should act.
Your sex dictates nothing, and culture is too screwed up to give you a real answer to how you should be. Culture is not only written by the more privileged, it is too damn infinite and changeable to really assign any authority to it in regard to how you act. Am I saying Butler is wrong? Butler is not "wrong", but she is not "right". Butler is Butler learning and think experimenting all the time. Here it is, the assumption is that culture has lain out two poles - masculine and feminine. Let me be clear, culture has not done this, honest people have done this based on their interpretation of culture. Gender fluidity and messiness..."trouble" if you will... has a long cultural significance and rich history.
Further, most people do not lay out two choices for "males" and "females" (yes, I am forgetting my sexually fabulous intersex friends whom I love and adore). No, American society is really still just stuck in one culturally recited model - masculinity....despite the reality, despite the strength inherent in other morphologies. For "females" there may be a "weaker" form of masculinity that is taught...but it is masculinity none the less.
And, there is nothing wrong with masculinity in itself, it is not is a method, a tool, a skin, and it has its uses. It is the abrogation of all other cultural forms to its sole elevation that is the problem. I would not be an activist if it were not for masculinity. I would also not be a leader if not for my feminity. And, I would not be a dancer without my fluidity and the infinite points betwixt and between.
The term "cis" means "on the same side as".
Last time I checked, I was not a benzene molecule or a phenol ring....I do not have functional groups hanging on "one side" of my plane or on "opposite sides" of my plane. Again, I am a shining crystal with many facets....I have a ton of functional groups, and if you will kiss me, I will show you a few....maybe even the seduction ones :-)
My sex is "same side" of my gender
To reiterate, gender is not planar.
Sex also is a socially constructed concept, so guess what.....Problematizations.
I will not bore you with the mathematics of sex right now....again...maybe privately for a kiss.
Hence, I am cisgender?
No, you are you!
I have this friend who is a new grandma (Suzana, talking about you friend) and she has an amazingly cool, liberal, and open minded son who is so close to my heart that Iron Man had to lend me his gizmo to keep him away so his shrapnel did not "infect me" too much. He has a new child.. a new son..
I fought with grandma at first while listening to her that her grandchild would come out "however he was" and that in this family that would be what color clothes, etc, did not matter whether they were stereotypes or not. I fought quitely and mentally while listening to her story....and that is the problem, I listened to her story.
She was not out to reify the polar North/South, she was not out to make sure "he is a boy".
She was out to buy cute clothes for a kid.
As long as she lets me put the tutu with the Spiderman outfit, I don't think we should have a problem.
Oh, and for the record
Pre World War War I
Pink = a form of red = courage and blood = boy
Blue = a form of color of flower = periwinkle I think = girls
Post World War I
Pink = girls
Blue = boys
and the rest of us get all the other colors, sux to be you :-)
OK, kidding.....and you cannot blame Hitler for the color change....WWI as in UNO, UN, Einz
So, to the twelve steps...
Sorry for othering you
Sorry for calling you cisgender
I lied, you are just like me
Maybe just not as loud about it
And you, you are fabulous in all your sparkling diamond facets of gender.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Co-Opting the Transgender Community
Transgender Education Network of Texas mission is to educate the public in interpersonal and infrastructural settings on gender diversity. It is a job I love, it is a job I wish someone would pay me to do full time. To reach that goal, I have to raise money, we have to generate program income from living out our mission.
Two incidents this week have frustrated me and caused my feminist brain to lock into analysis of the "helping" of the transgender community and what that means.
Let's start with a disclaimer and with the professionals. I have had the pleasure to meet honest, good, and sincere professionals doing work lately in the field of trans realities and how to train other professionals in appropriate professional care. I respect and treasure these people, what follows is a general trend argument not directed at their work....
I have been teaching about trans realities and how to interact with trans people for about 10+ years in a variety of settings, from "in the classroom as a teacher (in 2003 my first roundtable)", to direct service agency providers, to the healthcare setting. Guess what? One of three things usually happened.
1. Individuals listened and participated, but no movement took place on action plans made or training put in place.
2. Individuals took the information and then presented it as though they were the pioneers in the effort (there are exceptions).
3. Individuals thought I was unqualified despite my science background, my stellar mind.....and oh, that thing called lived experience and intense study of a community.
4. I was someone's project for a graduate class and then they just moved on to their own thing....forgetting "us trans people".
However, NOW....... HHS, the CDC and others have lain out the directive that transgender people will be counted and have attached monetary award to the effort. Seems now that people are literally crawling out of the woodwork to "offer our community help", "want to meet with us", and "create curriculum for other professionals like them".
I feel some kinship with my native american neighbors at the stealing of my culture for white profit.
You, whomever you are, may mean well. It is admirable when you meet with us and try to base your teaching on real lived experience...make sure you take a wide and thorough sample of our community.....oh, you might want to actually hire some of us to "guide you" through the trans jungle too. Ultimately though:
1. There are already best practice methods you need to be researching
2. You need to show realness and investment in the community FIRST
3. You are, in reality, taking our culture to make personal profit.
I am not opposed to professionals developing decent curriculum (well, ok I am)....but be serious about this work, you are playing with people's lives.
Flip side is the second incident of the week. Requesting trans related materials printed (but not owned by) our organization without context, followup, or real investment in our organization, by trans people that may feel they can just "whip a program together". It requires people skilled in doing these kinds of programs to do it well.
We exist to serve these materials....
It costs money to do this work....
Good, quality diversity training, should be paid well and does cost money.
Don't just ask for some brochures and pass them out and expect people to "get it". We are professionals, hire us to come and give a program. Pay for our gas, and donate to our organization.
Gender is not a transgender owned concept, we share it with everyone....try hiring us to create understanding and establish a safe space environment instead of just giving "transgender" lip service.
I guess I have exhausted my fire....let me end with the caveat.
During the 80's our gay men, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities were left with no one to help with the AIDS epidemic. Let me reiterate....NO ONE wanted to touch us. What did we do? We friggin took care of each other. My forefathers and foremothers pioneered safer sex advertising, found ways to get each other through the plague and perservered. AIDS agencies were GLBT agencies because those are the only people that were invested.
As HIV/AIDS care became an industry it become professionalized and the GLBT individuals who once were serving in soup kitchens, bandaging cuts, and doing the work were replaced with nurses and others who found this as an occupation.....with only varying degrees of connection to the culture and history...and we lost something in that change.
I fear the same for the transgender community. That does not mean I don't treasure, uplift, and welcome our allies with open arms....We as a community need to be kinder to our does mean that I need to know you are indeed part of our family and not just someone trying to make a quick buck.
Two incidents this week have frustrated me and caused my feminist brain to lock into analysis of the "helping" of the transgender community and what that means.
Let's start with a disclaimer and with the professionals. I have had the pleasure to meet honest, good, and sincere professionals doing work lately in the field of trans realities and how to train other professionals in appropriate professional care. I respect and treasure these people, what follows is a general trend argument not directed at their work....
I have been teaching about trans realities and how to interact with trans people for about 10+ years in a variety of settings, from "in the classroom as a teacher (in 2003 my first roundtable)", to direct service agency providers, to the healthcare setting. Guess what? One of three things usually happened.
1. Individuals listened and participated, but no movement took place on action plans made or training put in place.
2. Individuals took the information and then presented it as though they were the pioneers in the effort (there are exceptions).
3. Individuals thought I was unqualified despite my science background, my stellar mind.....and oh, that thing called lived experience and intense study of a community.
4. I was someone's project for a graduate class and then they just moved on to their own thing....forgetting "us trans people".
However, NOW....... HHS, the CDC and others have lain out the directive that transgender people will be counted and have attached monetary award to the effort. Seems now that people are literally crawling out of the woodwork to "offer our community help", "want to meet with us", and "create curriculum for other professionals like them".
I feel some kinship with my native american neighbors at the stealing of my culture for white profit.
You, whomever you are, may mean well. It is admirable when you meet with us and try to base your teaching on real lived experience...make sure you take a wide and thorough sample of our community.....oh, you might want to actually hire some of us to "guide you" through the trans jungle too. Ultimately though:
1. There are already best practice methods you need to be researching
2. You need to show realness and investment in the community FIRST
3. You are, in reality, taking our culture to make personal profit.
I am not opposed to professionals developing decent curriculum (well, ok I am)....but be serious about this work, you are playing with people's lives.
Flip side is the second incident of the week. Requesting trans related materials printed (but not owned by) our organization without context, followup, or real investment in our organization, by trans people that may feel they can just "whip a program together". It requires people skilled in doing these kinds of programs to do it well.
We exist to serve these materials....
It costs money to do this work....
Good, quality diversity training, should be paid well and does cost money.
Don't just ask for some brochures and pass them out and expect people to "get it". We are professionals, hire us to come and give a program. Pay for our gas, and donate to our organization.
Gender is not a transgender owned concept, we share it with everyone....try hiring us to create understanding and establish a safe space environment instead of just giving "transgender" lip service.
I guess I have exhausted my fire....let me end with the caveat.
During the 80's our gay men, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities were left with no one to help with the AIDS epidemic. Let me reiterate....NO ONE wanted to touch us. What did we do? We friggin took care of each other. My forefathers and foremothers pioneered safer sex advertising, found ways to get each other through the plague and perservered. AIDS agencies were GLBT agencies because those are the only people that were invested.
As HIV/AIDS care became an industry it become professionalized and the GLBT individuals who once were serving in soup kitchens, bandaging cuts, and doing the work were replaced with nurses and others who found this as an occupation.....with only varying degrees of connection to the culture and history...and we lost something in that change.
I fear the same for the transgender community. That does not mean I don't treasure, uplift, and welcome our allies with open arms....We as a community need to be kinder to our does mean that I need to know you are indeed part of our family and not just someone trying to make a quick buck.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Deconstructing the buy local, support Ma and Pa business myth
I have good liberal minded friends who encourage me "Buy local", "Aschew the evils of corporatism", "Support local businesses". Good, but misplaced statements, let's see why.
So endeth the lesson....learn more, don't make ridiculous blanket judgements.
- Local businesses are a product of group think, a culture of locality that may be in the interest of all people and diversity minded, but also may be closed off and hostile.
- If Ma and Pa have not learned about the queers and will not let go of their preconceived notions despite discussion and love, why should I spend my dollars with them.
- Ma and Pa may alternatively be open and totally welcoming of all people....we have some such establishments locally (looking at you Janis Atkins)
- Top Fortune 500 companies have resources that are brought to bear for diverse populations. These include policy protections, employee resource groups, etc.
- Sorry, I would rather go to a corporate establishment with enumerated policy protecting diverse groups of people, such as those with protections in employment on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or those with domestic partner benefits.
- Companies like Dell, IBM, etc give..and give to organizations doing good work. They also have employee programs in place that empower the individual to donate in ways that mean something to them. Dell's use of the YourCause platform has been a boon to Transgender Education Network of Texas. Not only was last year's TDOR program paid for, but this year we received funds for an employee who volunteered with us. Money in our org pocket means more opportunities at public education - this is good.
- Big companies employ people locally. Yes, funds funnel to the top....but the other part of that equation is that people that may not have had jobs with insurance, 401k, etc now have it...and they money that those employees are paid feeds the local economy.
- Yes, I admit, a good amount of money also syphons out of town...unless your town is the corporate headquarters.
- Personal narrative.
- When I joined my paying gig of the last 15 years I was joining a "wholly owned independent subsidiary of a state company". My trainer was fired because he had PFLAG paraphernalia on his car (1997)
- The business model has always been to empower local businesses through advertising at the small and mid-size market size. I have been involved in helping Mom and Pop businesses improve their reach and service to the community by empowering their voice. That is a democratic idea. That is liberty. That resonates with my core values.
- When we were bought by "big brother" Cox Communications I was able to come out as trans and transition on the job. Why? Because I felt more protected than when we were independently owned. Cox, a corporate structure, had diversity policy in place, training prepped, and domestic partner benefits to hang a hat on if needed. After Cox sold us to our current owners I found out that my existence paid off - gender identity and expression was added to corporate policy.
- Currently, now with a smaller corporate entity again I have some protections, but not explicit in policy...and I have lost the ability to have domestic partner protections.
So endeth the lesson....learn more, don't make ridiculous blanket judgements.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Weaving a Trans Curse
Authors note: Inside my head I am in quiet darkness holding me like cool satin and warm velvet, caressing my face, healing my soul....I am resting before marching the road of social justice again.
As a self denied mystic, a wanderer, and a fool, I have picked up a few tidbits about curses and blessings along the way which should help me in the healing exercise of putting a ward upon my person for use against direct attack.
What ingredients do I have at my disposal.
Age: At 41 going on 42 I do not have the concentration of raw power that the ancients do, nor do I have the totality of fluidity and adaptation that young adepts do. My age confers to me a mixed balance of raw power and adaptable fluidity......something to keep in mind while weaving.
Blood/Lineage: I am not a gypsy.....downer there. What can I claim though in my personal history and in my blood lineage that will adhere in this spell? The Stewart's were the whorish clan of the English isles, pandering in service to the Kings and Queens.....possible....very possible, we might have picked up some polyamorous spellcasting there. On the German side though.....ahhhhh, the Frost Giants of old, the Black Forest, the people of white who moved through the snowy landscape unseen and pounced at the things of color in their environs......definitely some old magic there.
Trans of the ancient clan of healers, the walkers between the genders, the priests, the scribes, the hand behind the power......very strong ingredient.....
Horoscope: I am a Scorpion, a water creature....does that mean my blessing are more powerful with emotion, or more fluid in nature themself. I don't know, but this will affect the outcome.
OK, what words shall I use?
This is the tricky part. Any curse must make its point. However, any curse may bounce back threefold/ sevenfold/ etc upon the caster. The question is, what can I send out that I can "handle" if returned full force or more upon me?
This is why blessings are used. What is blessing to one, may not be to another. goes....
I curse you
By the words and deeds you have sown, May you see their harvest tenfold
That of trans which you abhor
May the Divine, She who walks between the genders, grant you peace
Open your eyes to the reality of those whose experience is transgender
Heal your heart and increase your empathy for the reality of transgender family against whom you throw hate.
Create in you a receptacle of Understanding
And help you find Peace in shared Humanity.
So by my foregenders I bind this to you.
Live, learn, empathy
We will see, have to let this sit awhile now and "cook" in my dark dark soul. :-)
As a self denied mystic, a wanderer, and a fool, I have picked up a few tidbits about curses and blessings along the way which should help me in the healing exercise of putting a ward upon my person for use against direct attack.
What ingredients do I have at my disposal.
Age: At 41 going on 42 I do not have the concentration of raw power that the ancients do, nor do I have the totality of fluidity and adaptation that young adepts do. My age confers to me a mixed balance of raw power and adaptable fluidity......something to keep in mind while weaving.
Blood/Lineage: I am not a gypsy.....downer there. What can I claim though in my personal history and in my blood lineage that will adhere in this spell? The Stewart's were the whorish clan of the English isles, pandering in service to the Kings and Queens.....possible....very possible, we might have picked up some polyamorous spellcasting there. On the German side though.....ahhhhh, the Frost Giants of old, the Black Forest, the people of white who moved through the snowy landscape unseen and pounced at the things of color in their environs......definitely some old magic there.
Trans of the ancient clan of healers, the walkers between the genders, the priests, the scribes, the hand behind the power......very strong ingredient.....
Horoscope: I am a Scorpion, a water creature....does that mean my blessing are more powerful with emotion, or more fluid in nature themself. I don't know, but this will affect the outcome.
OK, what words shall I use?
This is the tricky part. Any curse must make its point. However, any curse may bounce back threefold/ sevenfold/ etc upon the caster. The question is, what can I send out that I can "handle" if returned full force or more upon me?
This is why blessings are used. What is blessing to one, may not be to another. goes....
I curse you
By the words and deeds you have sown, May you see their harvest tenfold
That of trans which you abhor
May the Divine, She who walks between the genders, grant you peace
Open your eyes to the reality of those whose experience is transgender
Heal your heart and increase your empathy for the reality of transgender family against whom you throw hate.
Create in you a receptacle of Understanding
And help you find Peace in shared Humanity.
So by my foregenders I bind this to you.
Live, learn, empathy
We will see, have to let this sit awhile now and "cook" in my dark dark soul. :-)
Sunday, September 8, 2013
DeConstruction of Gay Pride.

This past weekend I was able to be present at Austin's Pride Festival. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and for the way in which the Austin Gay and Lesbian Pride Foundation (AGLPF) gives back to the community.
Specifically, I am thankful that they support the mission of Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) in the Austin area and throughout the state.
Doing educational work across a vast state requires funds. Those funds are a tool that leverages change creation on the local level.

So, before I "attack" the branding and marketing of these bags in predictable ways, let me take a moment to set up how context shapes our understanding and use of language.
AGLPF does an excellent job in calling their celebration "Austin Pride Festival", "Austin Pride Parade", etc. as compared to the too oft used "Gay pride parade, festival, etc. Why is one more appropriate than the other?
Because "Gay" does not reflect the diversity of our community. I say that with the caveat that many use "gay" as an identity term, even in place of "transgender". I honor that, and respect that on the individual level, but have to question it at the meta, organizational, and macro levels.

rarely do. The closest that we really have is "Queer" and that too is frought with controversy and problemitizations at the regional discourse and generational discourse levels.
Next, we could try to use a term that is inclusive but does not reference individual identities. "We could go with words like "Equality" "Totes Equality" "Big Equality Bag", and Equality Festival . .....good option...except that:
- Equality as in Equality Festival speaks to something that might be organized and launched by my second home Equality Texas.
- "Equality" is a liberal term and does not resonate with our conservative family members. "Liberty" might, but is as problematic for our liberal family.
So, it seems that the best we have at this point might be "Pride". I am not sure, as I have not talked to conservative queer family members about feelings around the term "pride"....but at first blush it seems a better approach.
It also does not conjure images of carrying around a little gay person in a bag.
Sorry, but "Totes Gay" also makes me think that there is a little gay person stuck inside the bag crying for release.
I bring this up not as a "shame shame" on those that created the "Totes Gay" and "Big Gay Bag"....not my intention at all. I bring it up as an educational opportunity first, and a thought experiment second of findings ways to brand that resonate appropriately with the great diversity that is the human family.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
An open letter to my family
At the age of 41 it is time enmity ends.
You hold so fast and so hard to the word of God that you do not hear Her divine breath in the lives of your children. Children were not meant to be controlled or manipulated with fear. By words of "I am praying for you" or "seek the light" should not mean "stop being yourself" or "I wish you were who I wanted you to be"
The breath of God lives within all living things. We see it at the struggling of the fawn on its legs for the first time, the flutter of a butterflies wings, and even in the deathgrip of the snake with its prey. We fear its sound in the torrents of storm, but do not hear the wisdom in the gentlest of breezes.
It is time to let is time to let live.
As a parent, the charge to you is gentle nourishment, not in the adages you grew up with but with the encouragement of the child to hear the breeze and follow where it takes her.
For too long you have kept my nephews from me out of some misguided conception of who I might be or who I am...based solely on one word "Tranny". You don't know what I have become, you do not see the wonder I have helped craft and you do not see the justice I have helped breathe into life.
I don't know what it is to be a mother of three beautiful boys. Nor do I know the struggles you have had as you have followed the loves you have in this life.
But, you do not see the wounds I have endured, the noble battles I have fought, nor the failures that have helped me grow.
Put aside these childish things...these words without depth...these preconceptions without merit and look into the depths of my soul
Perhaps there you will see the aunt crying for nephews she does not know and never will.
Dearest brother:
Our history has been a battle. We have often not been fond of one another. For my part, you do not see the pain I carry around this day in regard to how I treated you. For yours, you do not see how your grudge against our father and your pain have actually blinded you to some of the truth.
Love, live, be blessed... and let go, you are more man than you realize you are.
For my half brothers:
If only, for a moment, you would walk with me you might see sights neither of us has seen before.
For Pearl:
Please, take a moment to listen...listen with heart and not with mind. Welcoming someone in your family is not a zero sum game. You do not have to worry about "your own" not getting my father had more than enough love to go around.
When last we met I tried to explain to you that being welcoming in a workplace of someone of trans experience was more than lip service. One cannot say one welcomes difference and embraces it, but then giggle or talk behind its back. When a workplace is committed to truly welcoming trans individuals then such behavior ends. It is not tolerated. It is not appropriate. It is not up to the employee to educate the workplace, it is up to the workplace to educate itself. When your workplace is ready to listen, I and others are ready to teach.
Uncle Dan:
Geneology can be a game of bloodlines and who begot whom. What is the real use in that though in today's age other than curiosity? boasting rights? To claim, "I am related to a hero of the Delaware, Sir William Glenney who was with George Washington" So what?
What have we done with our lives? What is our herstory? How is it recorded and told?
You do a great disservice in how your record my name among your tree. A branch with a name that no longer applies and a sex that was always a lie in some sense of the word does not a whit of good in saying who we are as a family.
It does not preserve the relationship I had from 1994 to 2002 with an older and wonderful woman who meant the world to me. It does not honor the struggles I faced with another lover around 2002 or 2003, and it does not pay homage to who my family is here and now - a wonderful woman of immense intelligence and soul and three dogters for whom I would give anything.
It does nothing to honor the legacy I have built, not for myself, not for my glory, not for the glory of a family, but for the transformation of community into something more just and fair for all people.
I believe it is time you rethink what your true purpose is in regard to tracing a family tree.
I also think it is about time you got a sense of humor. Yes, some of the bawdiest humour I have learned is from ladies of great respect.
So endeth the lesson.....blessed be.
You hold so fast and so hard to the word of God that you do not hear Her divine breath in the lives of your children. Children were not meant to be controlled or manipulated with fear. By words of "I am praying for you" or "seek the light" should not mean "stop being yourself" or "I wish you were who I wanted you to be"
The breath of God lives within all living things. We see it at the struggling of the fawn on its legs for the first time, the flutter of a butterflies wings, and even in the deathgrip of the snake with its prey. We fear its sound in the torrents of storm, but do not hear the wisdom in the gentlest of breezes.
It is time to let is time to let live.
As a parent, the charge to you is gentle nourishment, not in the adages you grew up with but with the encouragement of the child to hear the breeze and follow where it takes her.
For too long you have kept my nephews from me out of some misguided conception of who I might be or who I am...based solely on one word "Tranny". You don't know what I have become, you do not see the wonder I have helped craft and you do not see the justice I have helped breathe into life.
I don't know what it is to be a mother of three beautiful boys. Nor do I know the struggles you have had as you have followed the loves you have in this life.
But, you do not see the wounds I have endured, the noble battles I have fought, nor the failures that have helped me grow.
Put aside these childish things...these words without depth...these preconceptions without merit and look into the depths of my soul
Perhaps there you will see the aunt crying for nephews she does not know and never will.
Dearest brother:
Our history has been a battle. We have often not been fond of one another. For my part, you do not see the pain I carry around this day in regard to how I treated you. For yours, you do not see how your grudge against our father and your pain have actually blinded you to some of the truth.
Love, live, be blessed... and let go, you are more man than you realize you are.
For my half brothers:
If only, for a moment, you would walk with me you might see sights neither of us has seen before.
For Pearl:
Please, take a moment to listen...listen with heart and not with mind. Welcoming someone in your family is not a zero sum game. You do not have to worry about "your own" not getting my father had more than enough love to go around.
When last we met I tried to explain to you that being welcoming in a workplace of someone of trans experience was more than lip service. One cannot say one welcomes difference and embraces it, but then giggle or talk behind its back. When a workplace is committed to truly welcoming trans individuals then such behavior ends. It is not tolerated. It is not appropriate. It is not up to the employee to educate the workplace, it is up to the workplace to educate itself. When your workplace is ready to listen, I and others are ready to teach.
Uncle Dan:
Geneology can be a game of bloodlines and who begot whom. What is the real use in that though in today's age other than curiosity? boasting rights? To claim, "I am related to a hero of the Delaware, Sir William Glenney who was with George Washington" So what?
What have we done with our lives? What is our herstory? How is it recorded and told?
You do a great disservice in how your record my name among your tree. A branch with a name that no longer applies and a sex that was always a lie in some sense of the word does not a whit of good in saying who we are as a family.
It does not preserve the relationship I had from 1994 to 2002 with an older and wonderful woman who meant the world to me. It does not honor the struggles I faced with another lover around 2002 or 2003, and it does not pay homage to who my family is here and now - a wonderful woman of immense intelligence and soul and three dogters for whom I would give anything.
It does nothing to honor the legacy I have built, not for myself, not for my glory, not for the glory of a family, but for the transformation of community into something more just and fair for all people.
I believe it is time you rethink what your true purpose is in regard to tracing a family tree.
I also think it is about time you got a sense of humor. Yes, some of the bawdiest humour I have learned is from ladies of great respect.
So endeth the lesson.....blessed be.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
"The Voice" - no this is not about that show.
I have spent the last 2013-1990.....=.........23 years of my life in radio/television/cable advertising. I radio and television, both nonprofit and for profit venues. My voice has been my work, has been my living, and has been both my blessing and "problem"
Recently I have noticed more muggles who in my everyday life see a woman, are "gender prepared" to talk to a woman....and then my voice breaks their paradigm and they become confused. One woman the other day within my earshot said "things are not always as they appear".
.............................. Okay, whatever you frickin moron, go about your dumb dumb life..................
But, it raises an interesting history of my struggle with my voice that I would like to share and discuss.
When I started transition back in "ott ott" (2000), my voice and my walk were huge concerns - major developmental roles that had to be learned. I read/listened to the voice directions for transsexuals on the internet. I threw my resonance to a different part of my throat...blah blah blah. Remember, voice professional here, very accomplishable.
I did the same thing with my gait and my walk. "Try to walk feminine" "Take tiny steps directly in front of each other" blah blah blah.
Here is what I learned in list form:
So my gait and my voice have "relaxed" over the years. More accurately, they took a journey from David sounding, to "ultra-feminine" hysteria, to Katy the strong Texan in cowboy boots and a killer femininity that is strong and gentle.
It does mean that I am probably always wearing a "tranny badge"...and that is what can be difficult to manage. From hoping to get flirted with in produce at HEB to being taken seriously, but respected as a woman on the phone. But, then again......
If I am causing "gender trouble" just by talking, then I am indeed very powerful. I have a super-power, if you would, that exposes people to such trouble and thereby changes the landscape so that my children (by which I mean all trans* youth) might have a path a little less filled with stones.
Here is the other thing though...anyone who spends any amount of time with me knows that I am quite feminine. Yes, I am a leader. Yes, I wear pants most of the time. Yes, I have a deeper voice. But, when you get to know see I am much more feminine than expected. And, when you get to know me better, you realize that I am even more complex than feminine or masculine.
Poor Robin, I think half of our domestic squabbles sometimes are from our difference in gender upbringing. Where I don't see a problem and am just doing things the way I do them, or just answering a question "matter of factly" .....I may actually be cutting her off, or acting in some way more indicative of my "masculine training" without even thinking. ... There really should be no judgement there. I think that those of us who transverse the gender divide begin to see that "men" in the ways that they do things "makes perfect sense to men" "is logical" "etc". Women, in the way they do things (again there is no essential woman to whom all women should have to act) do things in a way "that makes sense" "is logical" "considers the feelings of others" "etc". Both actions though are valid in their own light. A childhood and adulthood though of training does not get erased when one "transitions"(*1)
Thanks for reading.
*1 Transitioning is a ....pick one and add blah blah blah, because I could talk about it ad nauseum:
Recently I have noticed more muggles who in my everyday life see a woman, are "gender prepared" to talk to a woman....and then my voice breaks their paradigm and they become confused. One woman the other day within my earshot said "things are not always as they appear".
.............................. Okay, whatever you frickin moron, go about your dumb dumb life..................
But, it raises an interesting history of my struggle with my voice that I would like to share and discuss.
When I started transition back in "ott ott" (2000), my voice and my walk were huge concerns - major developmental roles that had to be learned. I read/listened to the voice directions for transsexuals on the internet. I threw my resonance to a different part of my throat...blah blah blah. Remember, voice professional here, very accomplishable.
I did the same thing with my gait and my walk. "Try to walk feminine" "Take tiny steps directly in front of each other" blah blah blah.
Here is what I learned in list form:
- Not all women "walk like women". As with any stereotype, a large number do not walk the way we say they walk --- even as far as gender studies that say "women hold themselves up and walk with balance in their hips" "men are always falling forward"
- Aside: Men are always falling forward because male bodies have narrow hips, the center of gravity is different, and the large appendage at the front not only makes one more knuckle dragging hormone ridden, but pulls one off balance :-) (yeah, kidding except for the center of gravity/narrow hip thing). Female bodies (within typical "population curve" measurements) have more hip than most the center of gravity is different.
- Foot gear has much today with walking. In high heels (which I dread), gait must be shorter steps and one foot closer to in front of the other in order to maintain balance and actually "do the act" Tennis shoes and boots (which I prefer) do not require this some style of the feet are more spread and holding the body weight differently.
- Their is no such thing as an "essential male" or "essential female"...women are not "one way" and men "another". There is so much friggin crossover in cisgender populations that it is not funny.
- As trans women babies in our adult years, too many of us try a feminine voice that comes out whispy, with no vocal power. It is frustrating as hell to talk to someone doing that and it is terribly hard to maintain if you are the one doing it.
- My voice is often soft enough, even "as a guy" without the help of "weakening it to sound more feminine"
- I have a beautiful voice. Patty (the woman I was in relationship with during the beginning of "transition") use to say that I had a sonorous bell like quality to my voice.
- I take pride in that. My "bell" may be resonating a bit out of "feminine range" as most people expect...but it is my damn voice.
- I am not going to (at this time) undergo surgery which would ruin that very dear treasure I have....a living resonator of amazing richness.
- I love windchimes, most of us do....listen to the well made resonant ones. Touch the resonance with your ears....just close your eyes and hear the reverberations. The amazing beauty of that is such a divine gift....touching it with your ear is touching pure power.
- In 2003 I became cast in the Texas A&M production of vagina monologues. I loved the experience and the feminine bonding back stage. It was amazing. Also, Robin and I had started dating and getting flowers after a performance from your new lover is...well....blush......pretty damn awesome. The point is this, I was chosen because of my voice, the "huskier quality" of my voice is exactly what the producer wanted for performance of the piece "hair".
So my gait and my voice have "relaxed" over the years. More accurately, they took a journey from David sounding, to "ultra-feminine" hysteria, to Katy the strong Texan in cowboy boots and a killer femininity that is strong and gentle.
It does mean that I am probably always wearing a "tranny badge"...and that is what can be difficult to manage. From hoping to get flirted with in produce at HEB to being taken seriously, but respected as a woman on the phone. But, then again......
If I am causing "gender trouble" just by talking, then I am indeed very powerful. I have a super-power, if you would, that exposes people to such trouble and thereby changes the landscape so that my children (by which I mean all trans* youth) might have a path a little less filled with stones.
Here is the other thing though...anyone who spends any amount of time with me knows that I am quite feminine. Yes, I am a leader. Yes, I wear pants most of the time. Yes, I have a deeper voice. But, when you get to know see I am much more feminine than expected. And, when you get to know me better, you realize that I am even more complex than feminine or masculine.
Poor Robin, I think half of our domestic squabbles sometimes are from our difference in gender upbringing. Where I don't see a problem and am just doing things the way I do them, or just answering a question "matter of factly" .....I may actually be cutting her off, or acting in some way more indicative of my "masculine training" without even thinking. ... There really should be no judgement there. I think that those of us who transverse the gender divide begin to see that "men" in the ways that they do things "makes perfect sense to men" "is logical" "etc". Women, in the way they do things (again there is no essential woman to whom all women should have to act) do things in a way "that makes sense" "is logical" "considers the feelings of others" "etc". Both actions though are valid in their own light. A childhood and adulthood though of training does not get erased when one "transitions"(*1)
Thanks for reading.
*1 Transitioning is a ....pick one and add blah blah blah, because I could talk about it ad nauseum:
- a lifelong journey
- a misnomer because we are all always transitioning
- never really begun nor ended because we are not living stereotypes of gender
- etc.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
No "T" in "Gay Scouting
I am being asked to join the campaign against the end discrimination against gay boys in Boy Scouts. ......see particulars below
I have to be honest....I have mixed feelings.
I have a good friend, a man I love and trust (you know who you are) who is an Eagle Scout and is happily married with his husband. I support that he was in the Boy Scouts, I hope/pray that young men who are gay would someday be able to join and be a part of such a great organization in so many ways.
Similarly, I hope that young lesbian and bisexual girls would be welcome into Girl Scouts.
But, ....time to TransDeconstruct....
and the crazy came out of the nuthouse........
I have to be honest....I have mixed feelings.
I have a good friend, a man I love and trust (you know who you are) who is an Eagle Scout and is happily married with his husband. I support that he was in the Boy Scouts, I hope/pray that young men who are gay would someday be able to join and be a part of such a great organization in so many ways.
Similarly, I hope that young lesbian and bisexual girls would be welcome into Girl Scouts.
But, ....time to TransDeconstruct....
- 1) Until we create a Trans Scouts (which would have its own unique deconstructions vis a vis....separatist verses community with cis scouts) our trans youth are left with little options.
and the crazy came out of the nuthouse........
- 2 )Are the values of the Boy Scouts actually all good values? I am not saying that dishonesty is good (although it is useful when playing dirty in family negotiations :-) ). But obedience? Depends....doesn't it? Sometimes courage and justice demand disobedience. Thrifty? I would rather see Philanthropy as the code word.
- 3) And then, there is the oath
- Duty to God and country,
- Duty to other people, and
- Duty to self
- Duty to community
- Family
- Self and Goddess (because the relationship with the Divine is also intimately private)
week, 1400 members of the Boy Scouts' National Council will converge in
Dallas to vote on a resolution critical to the Boy Scouts' longstanding
ban on gay members. Now, more than
ever, we need your help to make sure the Boy Scouts do the right thing
and vote in support of Scouting for all. Here is a list of ways
organizations can speak out.
What can my organization do right now?
- Pledge your organization's support for an end to the ban on gay scouts and leaders here: Your organization will be listed on a web page of organizations that support a repeal of the Boy Scouts ban.
- Have your organization add a 'Equality in Scouting' badge to your Facebook and Twitter profiles:
Send an email to your supporters,
affirming your organization's support for the end of the ban and
encouraging them to take action at
Dear friend,
The Boy Scouts of America's ban on gay
scouts and leaders causes committed scouts, parents, and leaders to be
ousted from the organization simply because of who they are. On May 23,
2013, 1400 members of the Boy Scouts' National
Council will converge in Dallas to vote on the ban. Now, more than
ever, your voice can make an impact.
Our organization firmly rejects this
discrimination, and we urge the Boy Scouts of America to end their ban
and stop ousting against gay scouts, parents, and leaders.
Take action right now by taking posting to Twitter and Facebook:
I support equality in the #BoyScouts. End the ban on gay scouts and leaders!
Then visit where you'll find resources to show your support on Facebook and Twitter, contact your local Scouts Council,
write a Letter to the Editor, and other ways to show your support for a fully inclusive Boy Scouts of America.
[Your organization name] is proud to
join GLAAD, Scouts for Equality and dozens of other organizations
working to secure equality for everyone in Scouting. We hope you'll join
us by taking action right now at
[Your organization name]
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